- Drawing with
crayons at Irele
the ancient tradition of the carving of sacred masks is becoming
history, a new art is being born on the Dogon plateau . Children
are discovering the delights of drawing and painting an are
exploring colors to represent their environment. Although they
often lack an understanding of the religious significance of the
traditional masks and rupestrian symbols they still see painted
on rocks and on mudwalls , they are taking great delight in
painting them and infusing their own representations with new,
lively personal meanings.


Projectguggenheim is providing them with art materials which are
scarce, and encouraging the elders sitting in the Toguna, the
Congress of the Dogon village, to pass on their knowledge to the
next generation. To our great pleasure these suggestions were taken
most seriously and became the focus for earnest consultations and
discussions in the Toguna at Ireli and in the village of Songho.